Thursday, April 02, 2009

photos from the past

so i was moving stuff about my computer and i opened my pendrive and see what i found!
photos of ming-y's birthday at soi from like three months back! teehee.

so.. a few of my more.. preferred photos (;

belle, sooch, me, amy, the birthday girl and kyin

amua and i

ming-y and amy

and mervin

a group-ish photo

being happy (;

birthday girl blowing the candle of her measley small cake, teehee


she actually fed us all cake.. but me being me, i only uploaded the one of yours truly, teehee

she's 22!

a bout of heart attack

and a few other games where we bullied ning khang

cheers to the night, cheers to ming-y and cheers to our friendship!

ok, back to work. not like i actually did much, rofl.
may the force be with forgotten photos,

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