vfest was beyond awesome.
more on that in a bit.
updated post!

as i'm sure has been SCREAMED a thousand times over on my fb, i have just attended VFEST!
and.. actually i photoshopped that photo from this!
yes yes, i know, my photoshopping skills are not exactly fantastic but nvm.. i like to syok sendiri, whee.
for those who have no idea what i'm talking about, vfest is this whole day open air concert where there are 4 stages with different acts performing at different times throughout the day, from 2pm till 10pm.
and you can just walk between stages!
the big names that came for vfest was of course, THE KILLERS, snow patrol, human league, kaiser chiefs, duffy and.. well, there were more than 22 artists and.. while i think the BIG NAMES i mentioned above were the acts worthed watching, i did find some hidden gems.
and yes, i know, many ppl hv differing opinions about which acts were the 'big names'.
and i know, fb photos were posted lots earlier coz i wanted to edit some photos before posting on my blog and i've been busy !
the acts we caught (or at least parts of)
villains of wilhelm
jenny lewis
the kills
kaiser chiefs
too bad snow patrol was the same time as kaiser chiefs and at 'that stage'
and after battling our way through kaiser chiefs to get a pretty decent place up front and with this stage already being so packed with everyone being kiasu (like us, rofl) and jostling for a good place for the killers, if we went snow patrol, we'd have to give up our good places! *sigh*
yes, the stage names are really cute..
they are 'this stage', 'that stage', 'the other stage' and 'virgin mobile stage'
and i'm not kidding about this stage, that stage, etc.

see the fight between the white clouds and the dark clouds?
luckily the weather was almost perfect (;
it was cool and NOT sunny and it didn't rain!
THIS is the weather at 2pm
so dark right? the light side won though.

though u can't see it, the shoulder belonged to this really friendly white girl who's a massive killers fan! unfortunately, with the throng being the way it was, i missed her face =(
and then my camera battery died, wtf.
only concert photos i uploaded were of the killers.. i do hv photos of kaiser chiefs, M83, the kills, villains of wilhelm, duffy and jenny lewis but yea, i'm kinda lazy to continue blogging already, rofl.

i was pretty near the stage so i had a pretty decent view..
yet not that many photos/videos coz still too many ppl jostling around!
the killers (my highlight.. and pretty much the only reason why i went) totally rocked the festival!
they have massive stage presence and they put their show together really well.. whatnot with the fireworks and fireballs.
and of course, they praised us in favour of sydney, rofl.
though i bet they praise every stage they deign to grace.
the crowd was singing enterlude while waiting for the stage to be set.. it was really exhilirating X)
among the songs they sang were:
spacemen (opening song)
all the things that i've done
losing touch
mr. brightside (hell, yea!)
uncle johnny
read my mind
somebody told me
smile like you mean it
jenny was a friend of mine
when you were young (closing)
and brandon flowers..
he transcends mortal hot.
more awesome than awesome.
did i mention his voice is to die for?

their songs LIVE sound AS FANTASTIC as it does on the records.
imagine that.
a short clip of MR BRIGHTSIDE
the filming's kinda bad but i was more interested in watching the concert than filiming them sing..
the filming's kinda bad but i was more interested in watching the concert than filiming them sing..
the video is taking forever to upload.
anyway, enough about the ravings of this fangirl.
i actually.. went bubbles after vfest, woke up early-ish the nxt day to go out to lunch with my housemates, came back to DO WORK (which is now obsolete, more on that later) and spent my afternoon today in the city. btw, cookie's kinda cool, whee.
eee, a lot of work to do! teehee, it was WORTHED it however. and my body's STILL aching!
may the force be with the killers (and vfest)
p/s: i can go kill myself now T_T
i spent three days doing my assignment and last night an ephiphany hit me (!)
i was doign it W.R.O.N.G and so now my three days of journal-searching and typing can be flushed down the drain.
my fault. this is the problem when you don't think enough. you misread questions. a few times over. rwar.
p/p/s: photo credits to sue ann and elaine too ! i stole photos from them !
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