Sunday, December 05, 2004

Journeys, voyages and money well-spent

kayz.. went to island with my friend today.. unfortunately, my mum was busy so she couldn't send me to island.. she dropped me at gurney.. and i walked to island.. that's practically like 3km!! lol.. now really really really foot-sore.. oh well, nvm... at least my friend and i manage to find her dress she could wear to the seniors' farewell.. that alone was worth my foot-sore.. ahaha
another up-point is i managed to find my bro's berfday gift!! juz in time too.. lol.. at least i've sumthin to give him for his berfday =)
tomorrow hopefully can watch the incredibles..
and going for my first driving lesson tomorrow!! can't wait *grin*
argh.. tired tired.. maybe won't bother to stay up for my tv show d...
may the force be with people with good shopping trips...

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